Slovenian Institute for Standardization


Standards in Public Inquiry

Public inquiry during the development of standards allows the public to deliver their opinion and present their standpoints regarding draft standards prepared by technical committees. After the conclusion of public inquiry, which lasts 30 days or less, all comments are collected and submitted to the corresponding TC for further discussion. On this site, you can view the list of Draft Slovenian Standards for the current month.


During public inquiry, Draft Slovenian Standards are available to those interested under e-PUBLIC INQUIRY, where you can also convey your comments on draft standards.

You can download the comment form in .doc format at – OB0604-Commentig-form.

During public inquiry, an otherwise payable draft SIST standardization document is FREE!

In MAY 2020 SIST launches the Public Enquiry for the following draft Slovenian national standards (oSIST):

In APRIL 2020 SIST launches the Public Enquiry for the following draft Slovenian national standards (oSIST):

In MARCH 2020 SIST launches the Public Enquiry for the following draft Slovenian national standards (oSIST):

In FEBRUARY 2020 SIST launches the Public Enquiry for the following draft Slovenian national standards (oSIST):

In JANUARY 2020 SIST launches the Public Enquiry for the following draft Slovenian national standards (oSIST):

In DECEMBER 2019 SIST launches the Public Enquiry for the following draft Slovenian national standards (oSIST):